
Violence Or Health?

If you choose health, I'ma gonna come at you with good old fashioned KKK style violence.

"Patriots" vandalize Democrat Offices ... In more than one place!

This is a problem. These ignorant, low life hicks have been
twisted and turned
roasted on a putrid spit
made by their own party leaders

They don't recognize their country,
because it never existed
beyond what they were told
during Cowboy Jim and Mikey Moose hours
while eating the wholesome prepackaged foods
now made even easier with micro-waves
and moms who bring home the bacon.
Give me a Fucking break.
you've been had.
By your baseball, and your pie
and your White-washed suburban streets
where you knew the dark people didn't come
except to clean your drain.
Now you wonder...
where did all the people with scarves on their heads come from?
Oh, my those new people that moved in
They ain't speakin' English, and how come Tampax has 'mexican' instructions.
God gamn them all to hell, they are takin over, I swear.

I'm going to show 'em I
will take back MY AmeriKa
with Violence....
it's the american way?

Frightening GOP Behavior

Worse, the rhetoric stirs up an impressionable and volatile portion of the American public. Which is exactly what it is designed to do. It creates an US against THEM mentality that will ensure the faithful stands stalwartly against anything and everything the current administration tries to do.

Shameful. Maniacal.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

evil, Interrupted

Evil is like a shadow - it has no real substance of its own, it is simply a lack of light. You cannot cause a shadow to disappear by trying to fight it, stamp on it, by railing against it, or any other form of emotional or physical resistance. In order to cause a shadow to disappear, you must shine light on it. -Shakti Gawain, teacher and author (b. 1948)


Words: Olla Podrida

olla podrida

PRONUNCIATION: (OL-uh puh-DREE-duh, AWL-yuh, AW-yuh)

1. An incongruous mixture.
2. A spicy stew of seasoned meat, vegetables, chickpeas, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Spanish olla podrida (literally, rotten pot), from olla (pot) + feminine of podrido (rotten).

USAGE: "Alice Randall's collection of cookbooks is formidable, an olla podrida of Junior League and soul food cookbooks and classics like The Joy of Cooking."Penelope Green; What Matters Most; The New York Times; Sep 16, 2009.  (from Wordsmith.org )

Racism- Throwback, Pure White Sugar

Man, retro is really where it's at, and that's a fact, Jack.

If you have to say: "it's not because he's black" after you state how much you dislike someone...
It IS because he's black and you are a racist.
You are pointing out the fact that you believe it makes a difference. It's a cop out.
"He's not MY president... and, it's not because he's black, either. I just don't like his pol-u-sees."
You don't like him because he's not lily-white. He could figure out a way to clean up the whole world and personally make you rich, and you would still find him wrong in every way.

Barack Obama isn't the poster child for your Amerika, and it makes your skin crawl.

Me, I'm out. I don't care. But you sure are ugly, Miss American Pie.


HuffPo Posting Problems

I still haven't figured out how to post comments on other sites to here. For example, HuffPo has the link ability, but I just can't seem to get it to do it.
Anyway, here's the link to the first story I actually commented on as GreatDismal at Huffington Post.

Tomorrow, a vote for health care?
I'm just afraid I'm going to get shot or run over by some likker'd up trailer park teabagger if it goes through.
I hope it does.

The Highwayman

“When the highwayman holds his gun to your head, you turn your valuables over to him. You 'consent' alright, but you do so because you cannot help yourself, because you are compelled by his gun. Are you not compelled to work for an employer? Your need compels you, just as the highwayman’s gun.” ~Alexander Berkman


I was just thinking about making a tag for 'words' since I'm always searching for new ones to expand my palette for the art of writing.
I signed up for a word-a-day in my email inbox about a year ago, and thought I'd scan it for some content.
Lo! One of my favorites, and one I use as a category tag on my main blog Barefoot Heathen was the word of the day.
So it is the first tagged word on DarlaStuff. I'll make it a tag here too, because it's versatile.

PRONUNCIATION: (gal-uh-MAW-free)

Noun: A hodgepodge; a jumble.

ETYMOLOGY: From Middle French galimafree (stew), probably from galer (to make merry) + mafrer (to gorge oneself).

DarlaStuff sentence:  In that top drawer, you'll find a gallimaufry of jewelry I never wear.

Dropping Out


Not at all extreme, and very doable.
It just takes a little planning, is all.


Vintage Bitch Pictures, Images and Photos

Every single one I can get my hands on.


Vintage Bitch Pictures, Images and Photos

Seriously, nurture this.
...wait, is that little boy holding mama's 'toy'?

3.6 Million Years Ago

the comments on this one are crazy

I swear, I'm dropping out



I was going to put a news story here about the health care vote tomorrow and how "deeply divided" the US public is over it.

Then I stopped. OF COURSE they're deeply divided, it's the way the whole thing is designed. I'm sick to death over death panels and politial peacock strutting. I don't want to make this a trash bin.

Rather, an odd collection.

Notice, I said they... 
I seceded myself last night.
Fuck all the posturing. 


Scientific American - Is Earth past the tipping point?


Don't Pay Any Mind

...to what's going on here.
It's just a place for me to put the stuff I find and I like so I don't have to save it anywhere else.


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My photo
...and I dropped out, y'all are crazy.



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